Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Sleep Mode?

Snore… snores… Snore… Mmm…

Finally, I am back on blog after a disastrous month of being a bloodsucker... in terms of just reading others blog rather than producing any work of my own. Hehehe… Actually, the thoughts didn’t stop, the pondering never did stop… It’s just that I didn’t have the time, or the motivation to put it onto the Blog…

I am back on track thanks to a friend who recently posted a comment on one of my blog… It made me realize that someone is actually reading. Hahaha… It then struck me that I owe a duty to my reader… ehem… Proud of it... hahaha… :P

And being the last day of my exam paper… I am now free from exam temporarily… Have to dread about 30th November, the judgment day for all Monashians… I truly pray that all that I have put in would be sufficient… Well, all I can say is… if I pass, I praise the Lord~ If I fail… I still praise the Lord… For that is what I have labored... It’s my own fruit that I need to harvest.

Having no need to take any summer unit this year, I am thankful to the Lord! For I am going to Japan in Dec for the Youth Exchange Program. I truly hope I am able to pass all the units well and enjoy my trip to Japan. Then, I’ll be able to enjoy my holidays till uni re-open where life starts to get busy again.

So much so for my sleep… look forward to post more posts… hopefully in near future, more about my trips here and there… and thoughts that surround me… Have a great time reading…

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