Monday, June 16, 2008

Horizontal or Vertical

In my Today’s Prime time with God, I came across something which I think resounds with our daily life. It reflects what we often encounter, especially with people whom we interacts daily. Being a Christian, my Father for one always reminds me of the identity I bore. I don’t know if any of you have had any encounter where, you just take things into your own hand and try to settle it, what I call ‘my way’.

In the Prime time with God, they call it the horizontal way. That’s where I try to settle things my way. Trying to solve the problem with my reasoning and natural capabilities. The vertical way? It’s what Prime time with God call the ‘God’s way’, where a total reliance on God for resolution. Madness it may sound at times, but the second we insist that we take things into our own hand, God stands still and quiet and watch us fail until we seek Him. We insisted. Remember?

Though I am in no position to talk about parenthood, but I do get a glimpse what my parents try to express sometimes (usually after the complications). They try to tell us, “It’s the wrong way. This way” and we reject it and insist it on our own way. Not till we bump the dead-end, we won’t ask for help. BUT… The wonder of it, our parents are always there to help. Thanks Mom and Dad! Happy Father’s Day~

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