Monday, June 16, 2008

Kurang Skill

In the recent events of life, I have noticed a particular pattern of my social life. It is in this bustling urban place, full of people from different kind walk of life, I think am getting particularly less skillful at socializing already. Initially, thinking the more I commune, the more skillful I will be. It is however not.

Social seems to be a difficult thing for me. It wasn’t easy as it seems to me before anymore. Often finding myself in the wrong place, wrong timing and wrong words. Questions start to appear. Asking whether is it I have been staying too long and too often with the same group of people? So long and often that I have taken them for granted.

In a group of socializing unit, there are sure to be group of people who talks and there are sure group of people who are listeners. I particularly being a talker of course, play my role as a talker. However, at times, I do find myself in a complicated situation where people find me annoying. Some may suggest that I stay quiet some of the times. As for those who know me, if I ever stay quiet, something must have gone terribly wrong.

In this knotty situation, I have learnt that as we grow older, it is wise to only keep quiet and not talk too much. Even someone whom you thought you may relax and be easy with, may anytime be a complete stranger to you.


Victor da Lee said...

apa la... what kurang skill la
not kurang skill, is just that maybe God wants you to learn something new only. that's all.

Anonymous said...

then you have realised that not everyone will buy what you sell. So, it's not what or how you're talking or listening, it's about communicating.

Everyone has their audience, and maybe sometimes, you meet with people who aren't interested in what you have to say.

So talk with people, and not to people.


samenduck|samenmouse said...

i have same situation with you sometimes. :)

D@nnY {-.-"} said...

haha.. i assumed that at one point, most high I personality will figured it out that one day they should talk less and let other ppl talk more.. haha.. i've been through that stage also.. :)

well, you'll learn more when you're listening...

suddenly my mind recall one particular conversation between jackie chan and also chris tucker in rush hour 1. Jackie said that he let chris talk all he wants and it will shows that how full of shit he is.. hahaha.. Peace:)