I know.. i know.. some of you out there must be grumbling and pointing fingers at me saying 'Hey, it's your own fault' and i know i know... I just wanna make myself feel good.. hahaha...
Well, exams been taxing up my time.. and like i mentioned, friends really lift u up from the mud pit... hahaha... And here are some shots from my outing to have a meet up with my OLD friend(22 years old liao o) Don't play play (PCK, 2006) ngeh ngeh ngeh...
Too bad i wasn't able to make it to her birthday... i owe it to her... hahaha... but nevermind la.. she got a handsome dude to make her birthday much merrier.. ahhaa... Anyways.. i managed to have dinner and had a glorious food outing with her and song,one of her best-ies... and her bf too... then later, Pei Pei, Sze and Sze's bf as well as Ah Foo and his friend joined in too...
Yeap... it was a merry and happy dinner... with a touch of Miri-ism Sarcasm... hahaha... if u are a Mirian.. i think u would understand.. nevertheless, here u go.. some pics from the outing.. and some updates from Donna's farewell...
at KLCC...
the gang.. hahaha...
kawan lama bah...
the couple?
The real... couple...
our Outing...
Love birds...
Having Fun ler...
Pretty Song... hehehe...
the Cute Shirley trying to pluck the flowers...
Leng Zai KC... hahaha..
My potrait... by Shirley studio.. hahaha...
while waiting for Shirley...
can u guess whose?
Some commercial shot...
Nice? hahaha...
Thats the dinenr we had.. burb... sorry.. X kiss u me...??? bleh... X.X
First the Leng Luis...
Then the group... hehehe...