It’s been a long time since I last have had a good post faith station outing… Fuh~
The dinner was good, the chatting, the laughter and most importantly the game. The game of ‘Trump’!!! Please! Not Donald Trump! Okay! It’s the card game!
Prior to that, the busyness and the hectic-ness of the week have almost taken toll of me. Despite a whole day of sleep and watching some interesting YouTube clips, my mind and soul has been restless. The post- faith station session has really refreshed me. My spirit’s fire has been slightly re-kindled. So much stress has come upon me that I think my mind has come to a point of almost shut down!
Nevertheless, the Lord has been good! The game of trump session, took away my burden and transgression for a moment. And also, it refreshes my mind on an issue. It reminds me on a small part of an email which my friends sent me long ago. The line goes, “God will not ask how BIG your house is; Instead, God will ask, How many people have you welcomed into your house”.
I believe that is utmost true. What is the point of having a huge house when there are only a few people who inhabits it? Though some house may be small, but its humbleness welcomes people in, that’s the point of a true warm house. Which I think Brother Sam, Danny and Adele has done a great job!
I really felt welcomed. It was really like a Chinese New Year visitation! The game, the drinks, the food! Oh my! Anyways, thanks for lifting my stress and giving me such an enjoyable time. Time to fight for the coming war! Exams! Wish me all the best!
All the best in your exams. Glad to have had you guys over. God bless ^^
Adele: Thanks for the support!
Rick: No~ We don't intrude ppl properties without permission. But we did dwell around your tea cups and your normal hang out.. Hahaha... Btw, wats with your mattress? you've got something to hide? Or did u wet your mattress? Hohoho~
may your soul rest in peace =P
haha... you're always welcome at our house =D hehe.. glad you had a good time... Do well in your exam!! God Bless...
aiya.. i was too late to comment on this post.. anyway... let's do it again.. hahahaha
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